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Backup & Disaster Recovery

Backup as a Service (BaaS) protects the data, and typically allows for recovery of a file or server back to the customer's on-prem environment. Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) protects the business, and allows for recovery of the entire IT environment (servers, storage, networking, apps, data) in the cloud.

What is the goal of this project? Why are you considering Backup and/or Disaster Recovery as a Service?
Virtualization Platform(s)
# VM Hosts # Other Physical Servers Operating Systems
  • # vCPU  

  • # GB RAM                     

  • Used Storage (TB)  

  • Provisioned Storage (TB)                           

Is backup/replication for any of the following in scope?

Please describe your current recovery strategy.

After a disaster, what's the least amount of downtime your applications can tolerate (shortest RTO)?
In a disaster, what's the least amount of data you can afford to lose (shortest RPO)?
Data Center Location(s) Required
Do you require backups for any of the following?
Are you currently using any of these technologies?

Thanks for submitting!

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